Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Prince Charles And Dim Sum

Good Evening all!

Had an interesting day today.  Thought we would saunter on down to the changing of the guard (a mere 1.5 mile walk ).  Passed Trafalgar square and adjacent to it is Canada House which is the Canadian Embassy then proceeded to walk down The Mall directly to Buckingham Palace. 

Along the way you pass various residences which belong to the Royal Family.  The closest one to the palace is Clarence House where Prince Charles and Camilla live.  The royal guard in full uniform are at the gate armed with fully automatic weapons and I noticed some activity with police at the gate about to shut down traffic.  I told Debbie that they were probably changing the house staff for the noon shift but out came the royal limo with Prince Charles in the back seat not 3' away from us so that was cool.  Unfortunately my picture taking skills are lacking and all I caught on the camera was his front fender (oh well).

The changing of the guard was neat with the marching band plus somebody in the audience fainted and and an ambulance was called in as well a man a few feet away from us had his wallet stolen!

From there we walked up to Picadilly Square which is like the Times Square of London, went on to Chinatown for some of the best dim sum we have eaten in a while.  Alex and Tara when you guys get here in a couple weeks you have to look the place up it was good.

THEN things got interesting,  my knee has been bothering me for quite a while and Deb suggested getting accupuncture.  Looking at my knee like it could recieve short wave signals didn't even bother me it was the 600 pounds sterling they wanted me to buy in ground up whale penis's, hippopotamus lips and other exotics that ended it.  We will see if the accupuncture works but in the meantime the Advil works wonders.

Ended up walking about 3+ miles today so if nothing else I might get in a little bit of exercise by the time this trip is over!

Meet up with Karen and Peter tomorrow hope to get in a ghost tour and do the Portobello market before we leave on Friday.

TTFN (Ta Ta for now)!

Dale and Deb


  1. Hey guys, keep the posts coming as it sounds like you guys have full days & nights!!! How interesting on the Canadian Memorial, I never knew! You guys are all over the do you like the people in your group? The food? Seems like y'all are seeing tons of things......can't wait to see the pics!
    Tell Dale, & I thank him very much (tongue in cheek) that he just cost me 14K - April got her 2011 Special Edition Rhino! HA! You guys got me fair n square - more on that later, please keep the posts rolling - be safe, have fun, & party till you fall down!
    April & Johnny

  2. Brother - pssssssssst, stay away from the whale's penis', the hippo thing may be the way to go-?!!! Then again, Advil is always the safer bet!!!
    Heheheheh, too funny!
    Love you guys, have fun! You're bringing tears to my eyes! OMG!
    April & Johnny
