Monday, May 23, 2011

Jose Cannes You Si?

Drove up from Barcelona to Cannes today.  Interesting drive quite diverse, wheat fields, olive trees, mountains and the mediterainian sea.  600+ kms of driving with the heat blowing on our feet and the AC blowing in our face.   Hopefully they will fix it tonight.

Got in at 5 and immediately went out to dinner. Drove down along the shore where all the action is for the Cannes film festival which just ended last night.  They still had the red carpet rolled out.

Hopefully Sean can post this video I took of all the shops along the street, Gucci, Dolce and Banana, Fendi, Dior.... and Fred!   See if you can pick out the shop named Fred :)Larger Video Here.

Its been a long day tomorrow we drive in the morning to some mountain top and then back right after lunch to spend the afternoon at the beach.

A Bientot,
D & D

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