Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Good Morning Everyone!

We made it home safe and sound last night about 6PM Houston time.  Good flight home, caught up on a lot of movies one that Debbie really enjoyed was Roman Holiday with Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn.  Was cool seeing the sites in the film that we had just seen.

Quick connection in Newark with a very tightly timed connection, clear customs forward your baggage and then clear security.  Only one hitch BOTH Debbie and Marla had Lemoncello in their carry on baggage so hopefully the folks at TSA had a good drink on us last night.  In spite of that we did make our connection with 11 minutes until the door closed.  We were all quite surprised when our baggage made it to Houston along with us.

Dustin and Blake picked us all up at the airport as Marla's vehicle was parked at our place.  It was a quick goodbye to everyone and again Linda thank you so much for planning all this it was a fantastic trip.

Went out with the boys for a quick burger at Beck's Prime damn it was tasty and great visiting with the boys :)  Got home and hit the sack about 10:30 so we had been up for 22 hours straight with no sleep other than a short nap on the plane. 

Got up this morning feeling like a million bucks it was fun to go but it was great to wake up in our own place!

We will be talking to you soon!!


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