Monday, October 28, 2013

Arriverderci Roma!

Well its the final night of a very memorable trip.  As I mentioned earlier everyone took off for the Vatican and then we all met up at Piazza Navona. One of the many obelisks that Rome took from the Egyptians is there the largest of all the obelisks in Rome is in St. Peters square.  I believe I have read that there are more obelisks in Rome than there are left in Egypt. 

Truly a great trip.  A special thanks to Linda for planning all this I know she put a lot of work and research into it and it showed with all the places we got to go and visit. 

Deb and I leave for a cruise through the Panama Canal with my Mom, Dad, Gary and Philine on November 6 so that will be the next series of blogs.  

Below are the remaining pictures and thank you all for looking over my venting and rambling. 

Take care, 

Palermo pictures

 Pictures from the botanical garden

This guy was singing and playing the accordion for us in Enrice

The ruins in Sigesta

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