Saturday, June 11, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Well we made it. 

I made the entire trip without bolting for the airport to go home early like a lot of people thought!  We had a great time, but it was so nice to have Alex & Tara pick us up at the airport last night.

The rest of the kids along with our contractor Scott and his main guy Maricio, were at the new house waiting for us Sean & Carley had picked up dinner at Goode Co. BBQ.  It was a great evening we were like little kids at Christmas walking around the house seeing all the stuff Scott and Camille had achieved while we were gone.  Its really a beautiful place and cant wait to have everyone over.

Spent our first night in the new place last night and it was great, it looks like we have got another winner for a home.

This is it for the blog, thanks for following its been fun sharing our stories.  Sometimes the hardest part of the posting was trying to think of a title for the post!

Thanks to everyone, talk to you soon.


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