Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Damn German Keyboards!

Good Morning All,

Sorry for the delay in posting but have been a bit under the weather the last couple of days and could not get internet access either.

Excuse any typos as I am using the hotel computer and this German keyboard has the y & z interchanged along with a whole bunch of other modifications.

Munich was a beautifull hotel but after staying in the small hotels the big chain ones sure lose there charm in a hurry.  Sundaz morning went down to the town square early on the town hall has a huge glockenspiel about 3 stories high.  There were about 20 teams of horses being harnessed up and they were going to church to get blessed then off to the Vatican for some other blessing.  The teams, harness's and carriages were all polished and looked very sharp.

From there it was on to Lichtenstien a principality that is protected by the Swiss.  Then into Switzerland went through Zurich which is the banking center.  Todd I checked on your account there and its all looking fine.  :)

Stayed in Luzern which is on the shores of Lake Lucerne beautiful buildings and great history.  Took a cog wheel train to the top of Mt. Rigi to an elevation of about 6000 feet a little foggy but got to see all the little dairies and farms all the way up. They move the cows up to the summer pastures and take the milk for cheese and bring the cheese and cows back down at the end of the summer. 

Did a lake tour as well as a tour and carriage ride at a local farm.  Went to a beer garden with an oompah papa band, accordians and alpen horns very entertaining evening.  NO I did not get up on stage in liederhosen :)

Left Switzerland yesterday morning and the traffic on the autobahn was dead slow with all the truck traffic and construction.  Stopped in Hiedleberg and then got on a boat cruise down the Rhine river to Boppard.  There is a castle or watchtower on every hill along the river.  Tax houses along the bank that used to collect tolls from foriegn traffic.  Vineyards that seem to grow straight up the side of the hill.  Very relaxing and the views were stunning.  Great little hotel along the waterfront the Hotel Bellevue in Boppard.

Up this morning and on to Amsterdam. Then tomorrow on to London and home Friday :)

Talk to zou later.



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